Day 3 — Getting Out of a Rut

Arlo Sanchez
2 min readDec 16, 2024


Today was pretty good.

I applied what I learned last night on improving my sleep. Even though I woke up at 12 noon today, I still went out for sunlight for 15–20 minutes.

I was still sick with a cold. I focused more on taking care of my health and cleaning up my living space.

The main realization on my mind was that I lacked routines and a consistent schedule. I started by planning my upcoming timester’s schedule to make it as consistent as possible.

Since this is what my schedule will look like 1 month from now, I’ll make my current schedule similar to this.

I think it’s great to have a predictable, reptitive and consistent routine. While I won’t be following it 100%, the constraints limit my overthinking, thus making it easier for me to follow through with my plans.

I also had a desire to build a business and make money. But after reminding myself of why I quit freelancing in the first place (so I could pursue a more meaningful, wealth generating business), I must ground myself and focus on the actions that’ll lead me to my true goal.

I need to take ownership of this situation. As a sovereign individual and ‘business owner’, this is what I must do. This is a good problem for me to have, after all. I must grasp it.

What I Learned Today:

  • Just because 2 things happen at the same time doesn’t mean they’re related.
  • You aren’t responsible for other people’s feelings. You are, however, responsible for you respond to them. (e.g. if someone’s feeling sad or angry, you aren’t responsible, but how you treat that person and yourself is your responsibility).

What I Consumed Today:

  • A few pages of The Mountain is You by Brianna West. I just flipped through it.



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